Token Wars: A portal to new communities.
7 min read2 days ago

We stand at the beginning of a new era in blockchain interoperability where Token Wars is a great example of a movement driven to dissolve the barriers between distinct blockchain ecosystems. At Messina, the mission goes beyond mere transactions; we aim to foster a vibrant, interconnected community where innovation, liquidity, and excitement flow as freely as the tokens themselves. Token Wars is not just a competition; it’s a celebration of the potential that cross-chain functionality unlocks for everyone involved.

The Token Lineup.

Driven by the spirit of competition infused with meme magic, Token Wars harnesses the power of community engagement in a way that’s both fun and impactful. Memes, often seen as the playful vernacular of web3, serve as our rallying cries.

Each participating token brings a unique story and vision to Token Wars. Here are the descriptions provided directly by their creators and communities.

Introducing to Avalanche:

$COOP: 0xcD59b3309A0a0CBD9955d7e2CD2e1dFC7e5436c3

COOP coin is fairly distributed and decentralised. $COOP originally intended to satirise the meme coin craze happening industry wide at the time. However, the entire 20,999,999 supply was released as a surprise to community members that followed along and engaged with the “joke.” But, instead of being a scam like most others, it aimed to be transparent and selfless. No VCs. No presale. Creator kept 0 tokens, sold 0 tokens. COOP coin is also referenced in the comedy show “DEV’N.” Dev’n is a fictional, fully doxxed, COOP coin dev and he goes on many wild adventures. DEV’N’s main mission is to turn Bitcoin Beach into CoopCoin Beach, but got lost in the Guatemalan forest. He is still out there, somewhere…

CoopCoin has a solid community and wide support on the Algorand ecosystem. The COOP community formed a DAO treasury (CRV — Community Rewards Vault) where voting power is based on donations. The CRV aims to push COOP forward by deepening liquidity, getting COOP into CEXes (ProBit listing coming soon) and onto other chains like Avalanche to get wider reach and getting COOPs main message out; “Keep building and have fun!”.

$NIKO: 0x1Bbc0961c0A56F28c3827CdDd06244Bd7a3f077a

Niko is the in-game currency for Rxelms and will be the backbone of a possible giant new economy of 3D based NFTs. Being cross-chain makes sense for Rxelms, it means there’s less limitations on the potential size of our community and allows us to work with big projects like Pudgy Penguins who are not native to Algorand.

$A200: 0xB2A7Cba37552888CEf808E88CDbEbC72F91fd94f

A200 it’s a very simple and minimal utility behavioural token. It has the ability to showcase one of the greatest chains ever created for any kind of holder especially newcomers in the space through simple holding, staking, farming and community engaging so that you can transact with $ALGO and all other Algorand standard assets including wrapped tokens like Bitcoin Ethereum and of course AVAX.

$ORA: 0x00a6E4B816Ee10b462a359664d17e70A07E2D24D

Orange (ticker: ORA) is a “mineable” Algorand Standard Asset fully managed by an open-source smart contract. It operates similarly to Bitcoin, where multiple parties can compete to earn a coin in a decentralised trustless manner. The mining mechanism of ORA is based on transaction fees: whenever any account submits a “mine” (juice) application transaction, the fee paid to the Algorand protocol is saved in the contract. The miner with the highest amount of fees paid in total that has submitted a “mine” transaction within a given period is rewarded & coins are sent automatically after the next period of juicing, while his (and only his) total amount of fees paid is reset to zero. This means that ORA functions both as a store of value & as a way to reward users increasing the Algorand network throughput.

Thanks to its unique mining mechanism, which ensures a decentralised and transparent release schedule, ORA has attracted a rich and diverse community. Its cross-chain expansion stands to invite developers to explore innovative applications for this scarce mineable coin.

Introducing to Algorand:

$COQ: 2031930691

Born from collective frenship, deeply rooted in memetics and humour, COQ INU is not your average meme coin — it’s a way of life. COQ INU was a 100% fair launch coin, launched on December 7th 2023, and has grown to become the largest memecoin on Avalanche. With ~72k on-chain holders, and a thriving community, it has definitely been proven that life is better when you have some COQ INU!

$TD: 2032033778

Big Red $TD is a memecoin with utility on the AVAX blockchain that has made remarkable strides just over three months since its launch. Big Red is setting a new standard for memecoins on the AVAX chain. A standout accomplishment is the Avalanche of Education platform, offering free educational resources on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This initiative acts as a vital bridge between web2 and web3, facilitating a smoother transition for all newcomers.

The media presence on networks like ESPN and FOX NEWS, and ad campaigns at the Meadowlands Sports Complex, amplify the reach of the education platform, ensuring more people are equipped with the knowledge to thrive in the web3 landscape. With over 5300 token holders Big Red $TD underscores the importance of an informed and engaged community in driving the future of crypto.

Another important Utility is the BigRed Connect, a marketplace Fiverr-like platform with crypto payments, this is an open door for freelancers to amplify their reach into web3 as well.

The team is dedicated continuously to connecting and bringing more people into BigRed, AVAX and crypto all together. We believe that integration and collaboration are the key to a brighter future for everyone in the web3 space!

$KIMBO: 2032064107

Community coins have become vital Web3 touchstones today. They represent the fun, spirit, uniqueness, and interests of diverse crypto communities and the truth is that’s what Kimbo is all about.

What sets Kimbo apart from the crowd is its fair launch. As a result, Kimbo has the best token distribution of any token. Unlike many projects that reserve tokens for the team, Kimbo allocated zero tokens to the developers, ensuring a truly decentralised and community-driven ecosystem from the outset.

Speaking of our community, the Kimbros are a force to be reckoned with. Our holders are growing rapidly, they embody the spirit of inclusivity and enthusiasm that underpins Kimbo’s ethos. Their passion for the project is palpable, driving engagement and innovation at every turn.

Strengthening Token Wars.

In the ever-evolving landscape of web3, no project stands alone. The very essence of decentralisation thrives on collaboration and collective effort. It’s a testament to the power of strategic partnerships and the critical role they play in nurturing ideas from start to finish.

Our partners in DeFi, infrastructure, and community are the pillars that support the architecture of Token Wars. Without their expertise, resources, and shared vision, it would be like sailing without a compass.

Trader Joe and PACT, as our decentralised exchange partners, provide the robust trading platforms essential for the liquidity to thrive. Their platforms are not just marketplaces but the battlegrounds of Token Wars.

“Initiatives like Token Wars play a key role in bridging the gaps between different blockchain communities. By fostering collaboration across ecosystems, these programs help build a more unified onchain community. We all have a shared goal in this space, irrespective of the blockchain tech we prefer, and that is to drive the tokenization of assets and increase global onchain participation. While Token Wars may not be changing the world overnight, It’s a great program because it is championing interoperability and unifying blockchain communities, helping us to all see the bigger picture of why we are building in this space.”
— Blue, CMO at Trader Joe

Yield Yak and CompX, our yield aggregators, optimise the returns for participants, enhancing the attractiveness and viability of playing in the pools of Token Wars.

PERA Wallet’s role is equally crucial, offering a seamless and secure interface for users to manage their assets on Algorand. PERA Wallet ensures that blockchain interaction is as intuitive as it is safe, highlighting the importance of user experience in the adoption of new technologies.

“Pera Wallet is the front door to the Algorand Ecosystem. At Pera we are constantly innovating, keeping up with the latest standards, and building a great user experience. With our seamless user onboarding, we help foster growth across all of Algorand.” — Joseph Cecala, Head of Product and Marketing at Pera

Last but not least, Meld Gold offers a unique opportunity to learn about tokenized gold and silver in the DeFi landscape and dig for digital fortunes just like the original Gold Rush of old.

To help you navigate this battleground, below is a selection of links with information and tutorials on bridging, decentralised exchanges, farms, and PERA Wallet.

Join us on the Battlefield!

As we gear up for Token Wars, it’s important to note that while the official start date is targeted for July 15, the final confirmation depends on the timely distribution of rewards by the Algorand Foundation. This crucial step will set the stage for our competitive arena where the newly bridged tokens will come alive across chains.

Right now, every Token Wars token is active and ready on its new chain.

$COOP, $ORA, $A200, and $NIKO from Algorand to Avalanche.
$COQ, $TD, and $KIMBO from Avalanche to Algorand.

Forge new pairs, establish your pools, and familiarise yourselves with the vibrant ecosystems of Avalanche and Algorand. This is your playground to explore the potential of multi chain DeFi. Start bridging NOW!

Stay vigilant and connected! Following our social media channels is essential. We’ll be publishing the final instructions soon — detailing the eligible Token Wars pools (AVAX and ALGO pools respectively), farm setups, rewards mechanisms, and the criteria for scoring DeFi activities.

Let’s turn this competition into a celebration of what our collective effort can achieve in the expansive world of DeFi and web3.

For more information about Token Wars, check our other blog post.
Building Bridges: Token Wars

About Messina

We dream of a future where information and value can be easily accessed anywhere. Messina uses the latest advancements in blockchain so Web3 users can get the best out of every ecosystem without compromise and navigate them seamlessly. Through a protocol that is simple and intuitive, we enable interoperability.

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Making interoperability between multiple blockchains a reality.